Marla is wife to Scott Wynn, mother of four and has two (adorable) grandkids.
Marla joined Scott and became a Licensed Loan Officer in 2009. Since then she has made an impact on the mortgage and real estate community through her amazing work ethic and approach to business. Marla focuses her attention on the individual she is working with whether it is a client, real estate professional or anyone else she may have the opportunity to meet.
Marla’s primary focus is helping The Wynn Team’s real estate partners improve their businesses. Through extensive training in both personal and professional settings she has a wide-ranging knowledge level to help even the most seasoned real estate professionals in an impactful way.
Marla believes in providing every customer with individualized 5-star treatment from the very first moment we are introduced to them. She helps the real estate professionals do the same and organize their business in a way that makes providing that service sustainable as we have done within The Wynn Team.